在搪瓷窑炉设计过程中,一般都要先根据煤耗来确定炉膛基本尺寸(如长、宽、高),然后确定整个炉窑的尺寸。故煤耗是一个最基本的数据,它极大地影响整个炉窑的热效率。 通常煤耗计算采用热平衡概算方法。现行的方法是以整个搪烧炉、部分机械设备和运输设备以及产品作为热平衡概算对象。计算时先要进行大量的数据假设。
The calculation of coal consumption of coal-fired U-type enamel furnace is investigated theoretically in this paper, in which the author proposes at first a mathematical model taking one side of the tunnel as its object of calculation. The author also presents the model conditions and the basic data. The related data, such as the blackness of the flame, the air consumption when firing coal, the coefficient of convootivo heat transfer are calculated accordingly. Finally, the heat transfer by radiation and the convective heat transfer in the tunnel are calculated with calculus according to the principlo of heat balance.It is believed that the variations of both the structure of the tunnel and the distribution of temperature will affect the result of tho calculation.
Glass & Enamel