The operation methods of the ocular toyticollis are 1.Inferioroblique of the ill eye is attenuted.2.Superior obliqu eof the ill eyeis strengthened.3.Inferior rectus of the health eye is attenuted.4.Superior rectus of the ill eye is attenuted.Until now the superiorrectus attenution is concerned:oneself about increasing rotational dev-iation so that it is emploied seldom.The author treated the oculartorticollis 13 cases using superior rectus recession of which theparalysis of superior oblique muscle were 11 cases and the paralysis ofinferior oblique muscle were 2 cases.In the group of the superior ob-lique muscular paralysis,the superior rectus ration reessin of ill eyeand inferior oblique muscular attenution were peformed.The rationof the superior rectus recession is accorded to the vertical deriatlondegee(PB)in the first ocular position (primary position)and when thehead tilting to ill eye.