通过电磁暂态计算 ,对深圳供电局 110kV联城变电站可能遭受的雷电及操作过电压进行研究 ,分析了杆塔反击时雷击点、运行方式、保护方式对联城变电站雷电侵入波的影响 ,最后对联城变电站的防雷措施提出具体改进意见。
Potential lightning and switching overvoltage of 110 kV Liancheng Substation under Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau is studied through electromagnetic transient computation. Effects of lightning stroke spots,operating and protecting modes on lightning surge intruding into the substation during back flashover of supports are dealt with,and measures to improve lightning protection of the substation presented.
Guangdong Electric Power