本文采用ELISA法对25例慢性肝炎,105例肝硬化,64例肝癌,以及8例急性黄疸型肝炎进行了HBV标志物及抗-HCV的检测。结果:HBV感染率为80.6%,抗-HCV检测阳性率为46%,二者均阳性的双重感染率为32%。其中肝癌组双重感染明显高于肝硬化组,P<0.001。单纯抗-HCV检出率为10.8%。说明HBV是引起肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌的主要原因,而HCV感染也是其致病因素。本文对有输血史的慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌100例进行抗-HCV检测其阳性率为59%,而102例无输血史的肝病患者抗-HCV检出率为25%,输血组抗-HCV检出率明显高于无输血组,P<0.001。其中慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌病人输血组抗-HCV检出率亦明显高于无输血组,各组P<0.001,故提示,HCV感染与输血有密切关系。 50例HBV标志物阴性的健康献血员抗-HCV阳性率为6%。
HBV-markers and anti-HCV are tested in 25 cases of chronic hepatitis, 105 cases hepatic cirrhosis, 64 cases of hepatic carcinoma and 8 cases of acute jaundice hepatitis by the method of ELISA. The result shows that 80. 6% of all the cases are HBV-markerspos-itive,46% are anti-HCV positive and 32% are both positive. The rate of positive in the group of primary hepatic carcinoma is much higher than that of liver cirrhosis(P<0. 001). Only10.8% are pure anti-HCV positive. So HBV is the main cause of hepatitis,hepatic cirrhosis,hepatic carcinoma,and HCV is also an important cause.
In the detection of 100 cases with blood transfusion in the patients of chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis,hepatic carcinoma,59% are anti-HCV positive. Among the 102 cases of liver disase with no blood transfusion,only 25% are anti-HCV positive. The positive rate of anti-HCV in the group of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver and primary hepatic carcinoma with blood transfusion is much higher than that of the group without blood trnsfusion(P< 0. 001). it shows that there is a close relation between HCV infection and blood transfusion. The positive rate of anti-HCV in 50 healthy donors with negative HBV-marker is only 6%.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology