
镁硅玉人工骨关节的研制与临床应用 被引量:2

Clinical Applicayion of Artificial Bone and Joint Made of Jade
摘要 1984年2月开始对镁硅玉石进行了成份分析、理化性能测试和动物实验:结果证明镁硅玉能满足制造人工骨关节要求。随后设计制造了十余种人工骨关节,其中包括股骨头、全髋、半膝、全膝等。经临床应用174例,观察一年以上131例,最长53个月,平均32.8个月,伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,局部反应良好,无1例假体破碎者,近期效果满意。 Prosthetic bone and joint made of a new material has been applied to clinical orthopedics. The composition of the natural magnesium silicium jade (MSJ), its physicochemical features ahd results from animal ecperiments are introduced in this aryicle. Various prostheses made of jade, inclding artificial femoral head, total hip joint,total knee joint and semi-joint of knee and so on were producd and applied on one hundred and seventy four cases since February 1984. Follow--up observations of 131 cases over one year 9 with the longest being 53 months and average 32. 8 months were carried out. All cases were with first hrade healing and the re- cent effects were satisfactory.
出处 《江西医学院学报》 1990年第2期1-5,共5页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Jiangxi
关键词 假体 氧化镁类 假关节 外科手术 人工关节 Prosthesis/methods magnesium oxide/therapeuticuse pseudarthrosis/surgery operations research case report
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