我院自1983年2月到1990年7月,共作角膜放射状切开术治疗近视260例计477眼。对这些病人,我们尽可能作长期随访,现报告如下:病例资料来源一、1990年9月,我们对260例中居住上海市及苏、浙二省病人发信复查,共发信166封,应邀前来复查者104人。复查内容包括自觉症状、自觉视力变化情况、戴镜情况、远视力、近视力、戴镜视力、裂隙灯、眼底镜、检影及矫正视力、角膜曲率。部分病人作B 超眼轴测定。与术前、术后情况作对照统计分析。二、近视眼门诊放切术后长期随访病例,长期随访不中断并记录较全者25例。以上二组病例共129例,计247眼(11例单眼),随访时间5月~7年7月。
The authors performed the operations of 260 cases (477eyes)of ra-dial keratotomy from 1983.2 to 1990.7,and 129cases(247 eyes)follow up5-91 monthes,the average period is32.167±15.46 monthes.The resultsshow:the eighty percent of the cases are feeling is well and have notany complaint No one have serious complications.Sixty two percentof the cases that their myopic diopter are below 8.0 D had rid offglasses after operations,the authors compared their far sight、opto-metry cornea curvature as well as B scan ultrasonic examination ofthe length of the eye balls in the times that befar operation.afteroperations and long time of after operations.They believe that theradial keratotomy is safely and its effectiveness is markedly.The ef-fectiveness is go do wn in the three monthes after operatians,the ca-use is the fiber constrict in the incision and the depth of the incisi-ons,the effectiveness is go down in the far perid of after oprations thecause is the prologed of the eye ball.The authors consider that prev-enting to prolong of the eye ball is very important to increase the farperiod of curative effect of radial keratotomy.