石评梅的精神视野 ,经历了狭窄到宏大、由个人走向大众的艰难嬗变 ,由此也带来了情感审美从悲哀到悲壮的起伏递变。以 192 6年春夏为界 ,她的创作分为两个时期。其前期作品主体风貌深深烙上苦闷、彷徨的病象 ,后期创作显示出情感覆盖的广大 ,一改悲哀而为充满激愤的悲壮色彩。这种情感表征的递变 ,是个人理想和社会现实矛盾的不断激化 。
This article discovers sorrow and solemnity in Shi Pingmei's spiritual world by analyzing her life, works and society in her times. This article also affirms the typical value of these two aesthetic characters, which develop in itself in Shi Pingmei's spiritual world, for these two characters are considered from the angle of literary history as well as social history.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University