影响转轨国家金融制度变迁的因素主要包括政策的巨大推动力、资源配置方式的改变、经济结构多元化局面的形成、国民收入分配格局的调整、宏观调控方式的转变等。正是在这些因素的推动下 ,各转轨国家金融制度由计划金融转向了市场金融 ,这主要表现为金融资产多元化、金融资产总量增加、金融相关比率不断提高等方面。这种转变最终使各转轨国家的金融制度不断地由无序走向有序 ,由低级迈向高级。
Based on an analysis of the factors effecting the changes of financial system of the countries in transition, the essay points out that, as a result of the transition from planned finance to market finance, the financial property will be pluralistic, the aggregate of financial property will increase, and the financial relevant ratio will grow as well. Therefore the financial system will finally realize the transition from disorderliness to orderliness.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics