我国 2 0年经济体制改革极大提高了我国的经济活力 ,目前我国的改革已经进入攻坚阶段 ,而医疗改革作为社会保障体系的重要环节却相对滞后。卫生改革初期所推行的一系列市场经济化措施曾起到过提高效益、稳定队伍等积极作用 ,但未从体制机制上解决医药卫生事业面临的深层次矛盾 ,随着改革的深入 ,以往的一些措施日显其弊端。为保证医药卫生事业的健康发展 ,重新思考和提出改革必须服从医学目的。
The reform of the economic system advanced our country's economy activity greatly. While at the moment the medical treatment reform, as an importance link of social security system, is comparatively lag. Inchoate medical treatment reform do made active affect but did not resolve the deep-seated contradiction. In order to assure health utility's development, we have to reconsider our health reform, and reintroduce that it must be subordinated to medical purpose.
Medicine and Philosophy