目的 :探讨皮内试验反应强度与血清特异性IgE(sIgE)浓度之间的关系。方法 :对 192例变应性鼻炎患者以屋尘、粉尘螨、多价霉菌、春季花粉、夏秋花粉及蒿属花粉等 6种变应原作皮内试验 ,并用 pharmaciaCAP变应原体外检测系统 ,对 6种变应原作血清sIgE检测。 结果 :6种变应原皮内试验与sIgE总符合率分别为 :屋尘 6 5 .9% ,粉尘螨 6 8.1% ,多价霉菌 5 5 .6 % ,春季花粉 6 6 .7% ,夏秋花粉 6 0 .0 % ,蒿属花粉 74 .4 %。 6种变应原与相应血清sIgE的相关系数为 :屋尘0 .4 2 35 ,粉尘螨 0 .4 0 2 9,多价霉菌 0 .4 932 ,蒿属花粉 0 .5 0 0 0 (P <0 .0 1) ;春季花粉 0 .32 77(P <0 .0 5 ) ;夏秋花粉 0 .2 4 12 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :除夏秋花粉以外 ,其它 5种变应原皮试与血清sIgE都有相关性 。
Objective:To explore the relationship between the reactive intensity of allergen intradermal test and the concentration of specific IgE (sIgE) in serum.Method:Intredermal test of six kinds of allergens was done in 192 cases of allergic rhinitis, including house dust, mite in powder and dust, poly mould, spring pollen, summer autumn pollen and Artemisia pollen. The serumic study of these kinds of allergens was also done with Pharmacia CAP system. Result:The total accordance rates of these six kinds of allergens with IgE in serum respectively are: house dust 65.93 %,mite in powder and dust 68.1 %,poly mould 55.6 %,spring pollen 66.7 %,summer autumn pollen 60.0 % and Artemisia pollen 74.4 %.The correlation index of them respectively are: house dust 0.4235 (P< 0.01 ),mite in powder and dust 0.4029 (P< 0.01 ),poly mould 0.4932 ,spring pollen 0.3277 (P< 0.05 ),summer autumn pollen 0.2412 (P> 0.05 ) and Artemisia pollen 0.5000 (P< 0.01 ).Conclusion:The interadermal test of five kinds of allergens except for summer autumn pollen correlates with the concentration of IgE in serum.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology