适应中国 2 1世纪持续实行全方位经济开放的需要 ,将中国作为经济全球化空间结构巨系统中的一个重要组成单元 ,按世界各经济体之间的相互联系、相互作用的研究视角 ,对中国步入全球化进程中不断推进国内外商品、资本、技术、信息等国际经济要素加速转移的空间演化态势的特殊内涵 ,着重从其空间跨越性、空间汇敛性、空间依存性等三个主要方面加以揭示与评价 。
Regarding China as an important compositional unit of the huge system of the spatial structure of the economic globalization and viewing from the interaction among the economic communities, the present article discusses theoretically the spatial significance which indicates the acceleration of the state of the spatial evolution concerning domestic or foreign commodity, capital, technology and information. The study mainly focuses on the spatial span, the spatial convergence and the spatial interdependence. In order to adapt China to the spatial state of the globalization, the study advances simultaneously, starting from the analytic approach which compares the regional differences and focusing on the analysis of the regional spatial differences of the socioeconomic in the globalization, the framework of the contents of the compensation of related tactics in China's opening process. This framework discusses the type of the regional spatial structure which is suitable for the international communities, stipulates the export oriented spatial strategy of the consolidated elementary domains, the domains of 'risks', the potential expended domains as well as different regional strategies which follows the regional differences of the domestic export oriented economy, considers and implements the economic opening of China's East and West Regions. Theoretically, the following three corresponding strategic proposals are given by the author in accordance with the spatial state of China's participation of economic globalization: 1) to be fully aware of the phenomenon of the regional differences in the process of spatial span with attention to the relatively harmonious development in the overall expert oriented economic activity; 2) accelerate the process of export oriented conglomeration and diffusion of international economic element with a full efficiency of the functional effect of China's export oriented economy; 3) conceive countermeasures for strengthening the ability and effect of international competition according to the research of spatial dependence of economic globalization in the process of China's participation.
Scientia Geographica Sinica
湖南省教育厅科研基金资助项目 ( 98B0 96 )