大部分有色金属矿山由于服务年限长而面临种种困境 ,急需寻求新的发展途径。在对有色金属矿山现状进行调研的基础上 ,发现现有的企业组织模式存在主业流程不顺畅 ,职能部门服务对象模糊 ,二级单位无自主权 ,高层管理者忙于日常事务性工作 ,无暇顾及关系企业生死存亡的战略问题等缺陷。借助于流程再造、价值链分析、核心竞争力、作业基准成本分析技术、激励机制等现代管理理论 ,提出矿山企业应突出主业并理顺主营流程、权力重心下移、强化激励约束机制、强化财务监控体系、积极导入战略管理观念等组织模式再造思路 .在此基础上 。
For a long time, many non-ferrous metal mining enterprises face a difficult situation.They start seeking for new developing ways. The enterprise organization model under planned_economy system is not suitable for development. Based on investigation on non-ferrous metal mines, this paper finds out that existing enterprise organization model has many shortcomings:slow business process, blurring objects in functional department operation, no independent rights for second-units operation, no developing-strategy among super-managers who are busy with daily affairs.Based on modern management theories of process reengineering,value-chain analyzing,core competence,activity-based cost technique and incentive mechanism, this paper puts forward thoughts of mining enterprise organization reengineering, popping out main business, rationalizing business process, transferring decision rights to a lower level, strengthening incentive and restricting mechanism, strengthening finance monitor and control system and introducing ideal strategy management. thus a new organization model frame is formed with an analysis of the main department duties.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology