目的 介绍经尿道切除膀胱肿瘤的治疗体会。方法 1985年 8月~ 2 0 0 0年 11月 ,采用经尿道电切和电气化治疗膀胱肿瘤 10 7例 ,电切同时行肿瘤基底部活检 ,帮助临床分期 ,进一步采取相应措施 ,术后定期随访辅以膀胱内药物灌注以防复发。结果 除 3例分别为并发膀胱穿孔、出血以及输尿管口肿瘤残留外 ,余均成功。随访 1~ 2年者 88例 (随访率 82 .3% ) ,2年内复发 17例 (19.3% ) ,5年内频发 6次 1例 ,再次电切。最长 1例 14年后复发。结论 该术式是表浅性膀胱肿瘤最理想手术方法 ,可反复施行 ,且保留良好膀胱功能。无腹部切口肿瘤种植之虑 ,创伤小 ,出血少 ,无痛 ,住院时间短 ,恢复快 。
Objective To evaluate the method of treating bladder neoplaus by Tur or TVP.Methods From 1985 to 2000,we adoped TUR or TVP to treat 107 cases with bladder tumors,biopsy of the base of tumor was carried out during transurethal resection.The technique enables one to make more accurate staging and to planam appropriate strategy in treatment.Postoperative intravesical therapy effects on the recurrence.Results\ All operations were successful except the 3 case.88 of the 107 patients have been followed UP for 1 to 2 years,tumor recurrence occurt in 17 patients(19 3%).Only in 1 patient reccurrence numer was 6 times in 5 years,1 patient had tumor relapse in bladder after 14 years of operation.Conclusions\ The transurethal resection treating bladder neoplaus is the ideal choice for patient with superfitial transitional cell carcionma,advantage were without incision of implanting tumor,less traumatic,quick recovery,short hospitalization,economical.Might be treated repetition by bladder retalning surgery when recurrence.
Fujian Medical Journal