通过半硬和硬聚氯乙烯材料 (RPVC)户内外气候老化力学性能数据 ,分析了室内外环境与地区条件对材料气候老化行为的影响 ,并阐述了材料气候老化规律与材料本身配方 ,加工工艺条件等的依赖性 ;探索了材料人工光加速老化与广州户外自然大气老化的相关性 ,求取了RPVC材料缺口冲击强度保留率的线性回归方程 。
Based on the collected data of mechanical properties of RPVC after long term exposure indoor and outdoor at different areas,an analysis was made of the influence of the weathering conditions on aging performance of RPVC.The dependance of the weathering aging regularity on the composition and processing of RPVC materals was also described.The relationship of the test results between a xenon lamp accelerating test and the natural weathering test in Guangzhou on RPVC was established.A regression equation Y=a-bX was derived to describe the residual ratio(%) of notched impact strength of RPVC after exposure to X-UV with an irradiating energy of 300 nm~400 nm(MJ/m 2).According to the eguation,with help of indoor testing one can estimate the weathering life time of RPVC under real outdoor exposure.
Corrosion Science and Protection Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 98914 1-3)