
添加元素对贮氢电极材料MlNi_(3.8)(CoMn)_(1.2)电化学及高温性能的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Small Amount of Addition Elements on Electrochemicaland High Temperature Performance of La-riched RE-based Hydrogen Storage Materials
摘要 研究了微量元素Ti,Zr,Al对MlNi3 .8(CoMn) 1.2 合金电化学性能及高温性能的影响。添加少量铝虽然使合金在室温的放电容量和高倍率放电容量降低 ,但可显著提高高温下的容量 ,并有效抑制自放电 ,提高循环稳定性 ;添加少量钛或锆均降低合金的放电容量 ,但可改善高倍率放电性能。锆还可提高合金的循环稳定性 ,延长电极寿命。 The influence of the small amount of addition elements such as Al,Ti and Zr on the electrochemical performances of MlNi 3.8 (CoMn) 1.2 metal hydride electrode and its high temperature properties was studied. The addition of aluminium brought about a significant increase in dischrage capacity at high temperature. The capacity decay during repeated charge discharge cycles and the self discharge is suppressed, but the rate capability is decreased. The alloy containing zirconium exhibites a longer cycle life and a better rate capability, but much lower discharge capacity. The addition of titanium improves the rate capability, but the capacity greatly is decreased. The addition of aluminium is very useful for improving the electrochemical performances at high temperature.
出处 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期47-50,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rare Metals
基金 军械工程学院科研基金资助项目 (yjjxm 0 0 0 0 6 )
关键词 贮氢电极合金 电化学性能 高温性能 电动汽车 镍氢电池 Metal hydride electrode, Electrochemical performance, High temperature performance
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