The spleen of 80 fetuses and 4 neonats were observed with light microscope. The resultsshowed that the development of the spleen could be divided into two stages. The primaryvascular reticulum stage was lasted up to 12th gestational week. The primordium of tilespleen consists of mesenchymal cells.reticular fibers and small vessels. There' are many erythrocytes as well as a few of nomoblasts. lymphocytes and macrophages in the meshes ofthe reticular fibers and in the lumen of the vessels. But. the specific architecture of thespleen, as red and white pule, didn't appear still' The lymphoid tissue forming stage was thelymphocytes gradually increased and crowded together while the lymphoid cells were colonized within the spleen. The primary lymphoid sheeth. the splenic corpuscle. the spleniccord and the splenic sinus could be distinguished at 15-16th week. At 18th week. thespleen possess the tructural characters of the lymphoid organ. The red and white pulp gradually develop perfectly from 19th week to birth.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy
Histogenesis Human fetus Spleen