The blood supply of the mandible of rabbit was investigated in 12 specimens by angiography, ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styene) casting mould, ink perfusion and histological section. The results obtained were: (1)The buccal side mucoperiostea of the mandibularbody were supplied by the branches of the facial artery, and the lingual side mucoperiosteaby the branches of the sublingual and submental artery. The mucoperiostea of the mandibular ramus were supplied by local muscular arteries which came from the fateal artery, the superficial temporal artery, the maxillry artery and the inferior alveolar artery. (2) Themandibular body received its blood supply from mucoperiosteal artery, and mainly from theinferior alveolar artery; while the mandibular ramus from both the mucoperiostial artery andthe branches of muscula arteries. (3)Small arteries, veins and capillaries were situated inthe mandibular cortex and at osseous foramina. They communicated freely with the vesselsof endosteal periodontium and intramedullary vessels inside, and with extraosseous mucoperiosteum outside. These features of the mandibular blood supply provided a morphologic fundament for establishment of blood compensation from the mucbperiostial stalk to the movedbone segments after osteotomy in orthognathic surgery.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy