Lectin histochemistry technique was used for labeling the endothelial cell of the retinalblood vessels in human fatus. The major retinal blood vesscls appeared from the optic discrunning towards the peripheral of retina in a radial way. Near the optic disc, there was nobranch of communication among these ma jor blood vessels, but capillary network could beseen. In the middle area of retina, dichotomous branches came out from the major blood ves-sels towards the peripheral retina. The arteries and veins could only be distingtished in retinaof six month of gestation. The diameter of the arteries was smaller and it's staining was ofstronger than those 0f veins'. The former was not acompany with the latter and was charac-teristically b0rdered by a capillary-free zone. Capillary network could be seen between thearterioles and venules. The size of the spaces of the capillary network was variable. Most ofthem showed irregular mutiple sides in shape. In addition, an ansa of communication was ap-peared between two comparatively large vessels in one sample. In the age before six monthof gestation, the retinal blood vessels did n0t reach the ora serrata. The author made a dis-cussion and analysis on the result observed.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy