为把长期混淆的“高骨”与桡骨茎突辨别清楚,本文选择了挠骨X光片一张,桡骨标本40例进行了形态观测。结果发现;“高骨”是在茎突上方的向外侧的纵形嵴,长为11.10±0.88mm;桡骨茎突是向下的锥形突,长为 11. 80± 0. 50mm;高骨与桡骨茎突的间距为6.00±0.57mm。结论:“高骨”与桡骨茎突是两个不同的结构,为临床应用提供了解剖学依据。
The “GaoGu” and the styloid process of the radius have been confused for a long time. In order to distinguish the “Gao Gu” from the styloid process of the radius,a X--ray photo graph of the radius and forty samples of the radius were chosen to study them in morphology. The results showed:The “Gao Gu”located higher than styloid process is a lateral longitudinal ridge and is 11. 10 +0. 88mm in length. The styloid process of the radius is a downward pyramidal projection and is 11. 80 0. 50mm in length. “Gao Gu” is 6. 00 0. 57mm apart from styloid process of radius. Conclusion:The “Gao Gau” and the styloid process of the radius are different structures. This result provides anatomical data for clinical application.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy
“Gao Gu” Styloid process of radius Epiphyseal line