试验表明 ,极早单 2号、极早单 4号抗病、丰产 ,产量超过 6 0 0 0kg/hm2 ,为太原地区夏播玉米优良品种。其中 ,极早单 2号植株高大粗壮 ,叶片宽阔浓绿 ,穗粗而长 ,产量为 6 372 .15kg/hm2 ,是目前太原地区夏播玉米最高产量。地膜覆盖、玉米磁衣处理可缩短夏玉米生育期 。
The test shows that the yield of Jizaodan 2,Jizaodan 4 were more than 6 000 kg/hm 2.At present,they are appropriate varieties in Taiyuan region.Of which,Tizaodan 2 had high and strong plant,wide and dark green leaves,wide and long ears,and its yield was 6 372.15kg/hm 2,the highest yield of summer maize in Taiyuan.It can shorten maize growth time and increase the yield to use plastic film and maize growth regulator in summer maize culture.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
山西省农业科学院青年科学基金项目 (A992 10 4)