对宁夏盐池县毛乌素沙地 5种沙生灌木 :中间锦鸡儿、柠条锦鸡儿、花棒、杨柴、沙柳不同生育期细枝叶主要化学成分进行了分析以确定其营养规律。结果表明 :5种灌木粗蛋白质含量都有随生长季节不断下降的趋势 ,其中 ,中间锦鸡儿、柠条锦鸡儿、沙柳峰值出现在花期 ;花棒、杨柴以营养期最高 ,果后营养期居中 ,枯黄期最低。纤维性物质 (NDF、ADF、木质素 )含量 ,中间锦鸡儿、柠条锦鸡儿、沙柳呈下降—上升趋势 ,果后营养期均降到最低 ;花棒、杨柴NDF以营养期最低 ,果后营养期居中 ,ADF、木质素含量以果后营养期最低。综合判断 5种灌木各时期的营养价值 。
The main nutrient contents in twigs and leaves of 5 psammophyte shrubs, which including Caragana intermedia, C. korshinskii, Hedysarum scoparium, H. laeve and Salix psammophylla were analyzed and determined. The results showed that the crude protein contents had a trend to decrease with growing stage, the peak values of C. intermedia, C. korshinskii and Salix psammophylla were appeared in blooming stage, but fibre matters (NDF, ADF and lignin) contents were lowest in post fruiting vegetative stage. However, the peak values of H. scoparium and H. laeve were appeared in vegetative stage and lowest in yellowing stage.
Pratacultural Science