HG-252红外光学测量系统是一种小型车载式导弹靶场测量设备。它可以自动或手动跟踪飞行中的导弹,实时采集测角数据,利用通信系统进行无线数据传输。使用专门的软件可以计算出导弹的弹道和弹着点及脱靶量。 本文介绍了该设备的组成、工作原理和主要技术指标,还介绍了弹道测量和脱靶量测量原理。
The infrared-optical measuring system (HG-252) is a small van-carried mobile measurement equipment for missile range use. The system has the capabilities of tracking a missile in flight automatically or manually, acquiring and transmitting the angular data in real time by using the microcomputer and the data link system. With special softwares, the trajectory, the impact point and the miss-distance of the guided missile can be calcu-lated.In this paper, the configuration, operation principles and specifications of the system are presented. The principles of trajectory and miss-distance measurement are also des-cribed briefly.