对母本抗PLRV、父本免疫PVX、PVY按Line×tester (12× 3)设计获得的 36个家系 ,通过 1998~ 2 0 0 0年大田暴露试验 ,进行PLRV感染率、平均单栋结薯数量和重量的配合力及遗传分析 ,结果表明 :PLRV感染率的遗传力为 71 6 8% ,特殊配合力负值最高为 - 6 85 ,母本一般配合力负值最高为 - 14 87,父本一般配合负值最高为 - 3 13,选择一般配合力负值较高母本和特殊配合力负值较高的组合是获得高抗PLRV后代的前提 ;单株结薯数量的遗传力为 5 0 4 8% ,组合特殊配合力最高为 2 1,母本一般配合力最高为 2 8,父本一般配合力最高为 0 3,特殊配合力较高的组合在一般配合力高的和差的亲本组合中出现频率较高 ,父本在块茎数量的遗传中起重要作用。单株结薯重量的遗传力为 75 19% ,特殊配合力最高为 0 5 8,母本一般配合力最高为 0 4 2 ,而父本最高为0 33。
Thirth six potato tuber families from twelve PLRV resistant temale and 36vx,PVY male progenitors in a line x tester design were Afudied under the condition of strong PLRV resources and high aphids pressure for three years.Data about tuber yield/plant,tuber number/plant,the percentage plants with PLRV infection in the field were analyized.The result showed that the highest negative G·G·A f,G·C·A m,S·C·A and h 2 on the percentage of PLRv infection were -14 87,-3 13,-6 85 and 71 68% respectively,but the higest G·C·A f,G·C·A m,S·C·A and h 2 on tuber yield/plant were 0 42,0 33,0 58 and 75 19% respevtivecly,on tuber number/plant were 2 8,0 3,2 1,50 48%,especfively all this indicates the importance of higher negative G·C·A f,S·C·A on the percentage of PLRV infection and high G·C·A on tuber yiled in PLRv resistant breeding.
Chinese Potato Journal