Since the disaster of125deaths caused by the failure of Buffalo Creek Dam in West Virginia,U.S.in1972,there have been724known dam failures,including380in the last five years(1998statistics).At this rate,another50dams may fail each year at an average an nual cost to the nation of525million according to the National Performance of Dam Program,Standford,California.The pro gram was developed largely based on lessons from tremendous losses associated with dam failures.This paper narrates for your reference a few pro grammatic elements that have been adopted for the practice of the program.A Chinese proverb says,″viewing an-other's good quality is a means whereby one can remedy one's own defects.″In lieu of learning the″hard way″from the US's experi-ence,Spirit of an old Chinese expression of″taking the precaution after suffering a loss is never too late″is reflected in the aforemen-tioned reformed Model State Dam Safety Program.As a common vision,therefore,dam safety regulatory oversight must be considered as a professional practice to prevent the hazards of unsafe dams by taking protective measures in advance and timely remedial actions as needed for the public safety.It is a basic understanding that preventive approaches taken initially in a proactive mode and reme -dial measures taken typically in a reactive mode can reasonably ensure the safety and welfare of the public.
Dam & Safety
Dam safety,owner,consultant,regulator,dam failure,disaster,risk,unsafe dam,emergency action plan