填挖方分析是公路、铁路建设规划中的一项耗时费力的工作 ,也是大型工程建设项目可行性分析的难题之一 ,随着大比例尺数字高程模型数字产品的成型和发布使用 ,填挖方工程的自动分析有了可靠的保障 .本文在假定已知数字高程模型以及预建道路及其边坡的有关特征参数的情况下 ,计算出填挖方以后的数字高程模型、相应的填、挖方量 .
Cutting-and-filling analysis is not only a slow and laborious work,but also one of the difficult problems of feasibility for the big-scaled project analysis.With the shaping and putting to use of large-scale products of Digital Elevation Model,automatic analysis for cutting-and-filling roads is made with reliable authenticity. A cutting-and-filling algorithm is developed on the basis of ARC/INFO GRID on the condition of unknown hypsography resulted from the designed cut-fill through compiling AML(ARC/INFO Micro Language)program,provided with pre-cut-fill surface-DEM and road coverage,engineering side-slope,road height,road width.The purpose of the algorithm is to calculate excavation amount and filling amount,and to simulate the post-cut-filled surface-DEM when the supposed cut-fill is done.As a result,this algorithm is feasible based on current GIS software.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)