水土保持是生态环境建设的核心。据《全国水土保持建设规划》 ,2 0 0 1~ 2 0 5 0年 ,黄土高原将新增基本农田12 45万hm2 、骨干坝 2万座、林草地 2 965万hm2 。水土保持措施将对地表水资源量产生重大影响 ,林草措施年减少径流量2 2 2 3亿m3 ,水平梯田年拦蓄径流量 3 7 4亿m3 ,坝地年拦蓄 60 0 0万m3 。水土保持措施将给黄河下游年减少 7~ 8亿t泥沙 ,但也要年减少约 60亿m3 径流量。介绍了各种水土保持措施的水文效应。
Soil and water conservation is the core of ecological environment construction. According to the National Plan of Soil and Water Conservation Construction that during the period of 2001~2005, the Loess Plateau will newly increase 12.45 million hm 2 capital farmlands, 20 000 key dams and 29.65 million hm 2 forest and grass lands. The soil and water conservation measure will produce a great impact to the amount of surface water resources, resulting in annual runoff reduction 2.223 billion m 3 by trees and grasses measure, retained runoff 3.74 billion m 3 per year by leveled terraced fields and retained runoff 60 million m 3 by dammed lands. The soil and water conservation measure will not only reduce 700~800 million tons of sediment of the lower Yellow River annually, but also will reduce about 6 billion m 3 runoff per year. The paper introduces various measures of soil and water conservation and hydinlogical effect.
Soil and Water Conservation in China
soil and water conservation
ecological environment construction
surface water resources
Loess Plateau