贯彻科教兴农战略 ,实现从农业大省向农业强省的飞跃 ,是今后一段时期摆在湖北全省人民面前的重大历史课题。为能有针对性地研究湖北科教兴农的对策思路 ,从农业科技体制改革、农业科研投入、农业科技推广组织体系、农业教育体系。
To the people of Hubei Province, implementing the strategy of developing agriculture through science and education to realize the leap from a big agricultural province to a powerful agricultural province is a significant task. In order to study the countermeasure of developing agriculture through science and education, the barriers factors from different angles, such as the reform of agricultural science and technology system, investment on agricultural scientific research, the disseminating organization system of agricultural science and technology, the agricultural education system , the organization situation of peasant family , the policy and regulations on the application of agricultural science and technology and so on ,were discussed.
Journal of Hubei Agricultural College
湖北省教育厅资助项目 (99Z0 0 8)