对板栗 ( Castanea mollissima)采后冰点范围及呼吸强度的变化进行了研究。结果表明 :随着采收成熟度的增加 ,板栗的冰点和呼吸强度不断降低。充分成熟的板栗其冰点范围在 - 4~ - 5℃之间 ,呼吸强度 ( CO2 )为 34.1 mg·kg-1·h-1。温度对板栗呼吸强度有一定影响 ,2 %丙酸钙 + 1 %的魔芋精粉溶液浸泡 2 min和 4% Na Cl+ 2 % Na2 S2 O5溶液浸泡 30 min处理都可有效降低板栗呼吸强度。板栗果实在室温或 1℃± 1℃条件下贮藏 ,呼吸强度处于下降趋势 ,到第 2年 2、3月时其休眠状态渐渐解除 ,呼吸强度又很快上升。但于 - 3℃左右贮藏时 ,能显著降低板栗的呼吸强度并一直维持较低水平 。
In this paper, the changes of ice point and respiration rate of picked chestnut were studied. The results showed that the ice point and respiration rate of chestnut gradually decreased with increase of ripe degree. The ice point of ripe chestnut is between -4~-5℃, the respiration rate(CO 2) is 34.1 mg·kg -1 ·h -1 . The respiration rate can be affected at different temperature conditions, and can be reduced effectively when chestnut was immersed in 2%(CH 3CH 2COO) 2Ca+1% refined konjak powder solution for 2 minutes or immersed in 4%NaCl+2%Na 2S 2O 5 solution for 30 minutes. The respiration rate of chestnut gradually decreased during storage at room temperature and at 1℃±1℃, but it would quickly grow when the dormant conditions gradually release in February and March of next year. The respiration rate can be reduced notably and maintained continuously when chestnut was preserved at -3℃, a favorable strage condition.
Journal of Northwest Forestry University
国家林业局重点研究项目 (97-11)