根据亚硝酸盐能够加速碘酸钾氧化甲基橙退色的原理,建立了肉类制品中微量亚硝酸盐含量的比色测定,反应体系的最大吸收峰为340nm,亚硝酸盐测定的线性范围是0~7.5ug ,回收率达80%~102%。
The colorimeter detect of the nitrite micro -content has been developed on the basis of nitrous acceleration on the potassium iodate oxidating methyl orange under acid environment. The maximum absorptive beam of reactive liquid was 340 nm,the line relation of a nitrite concentration at 07.5 μg with the absorptive value of the reative system, and the recovery of 89% 102%.