王金陵教授一生从事大豆遗传育种研究 ,在大豆育种和相关研究方面做出了卓越贡献。选育出东农 4号、东农 36等具有突破性的大豆优良品种 ,在品种选育的同时还进行大豆遗传和育种方法研究 ,创建了混合个体选择法。他强调品种的生态适应性 ,他的大豆生态育种理论对我国大豆品种改良产生了深远而持久的影响。他十分注重拓宽大豆品种的遗传基础 ,并在基础研究方面如大豆的演化 ,分类及起源研究中提出很有建树的观点。他培养了一大批从事作物研究尤其从事大豆研究的科技人才 ,桃李满天下。
Professor Wang Jinling have been devoting his life on soybean genetics and breeding, and contributed distinguishly in soybean breeding and related studying fields. He developed some overfulfil elited soybean cultivars such as Dongnong No.4 , Dongnong No 36 etc. Meanwhile, he carried on soybean genetics and breeding method and developed mass-individual selecting method for derived generations. He emphasized eco-adaptive of soybean cultivars, and his eco-breeding theory produced profund and lasting influence in Chinese soybean cultivar improvement. He not only paid much attention on broadening genetic base of soybean cultivars, but advanced views including soybean evolution, classification and origination. He have pupils everywhere, who are scientists working on crops especially on soybean.
Soybean Science