本文对合肥市 19912 0 0 0年的公共卫生监督工作资料进行了分析 ,表明我市十年来卫生监督工作的深度和广度都发生了深刻变化 ,监督员数量翻了一番 ,综合卫生监督员发挥出积极的作用 ,预防性卫生监督出现可喜的进步 ,监督与监测率逐年上升等。但是 ,仍存在着监督覆盖率不高、监测率低下、执法力度弱等等问题。如何强化卫生监督员的培训、加强卫生监督队伍建设、提高卫生监督员的素质是我们亟待解决的问题。
Data of public hygiene supervision in Hefei from 1991 to 2000 were analyzed. The results showed that great changes happened in depth and width in the decade. Number of supervisor had been doubled. Comprehensive hygiene supervisor had played active roles. Obvious advancement of preventive hygiene supervision had been made. At the same time, there still existed some problems, such as no higher coverage rate of supervision, lower surveillance efficiency and weak law enforcement, and etc. Therefore, how to strengthen the training of hygiene supervisor, build the groups of more powerful hygiene supervision and improve the quality of hygiene supervision were the problems to be solved.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine