对蒙城县 195 11999年麻疹流行特征分期进行了分析 ,结果表明 :实施麻疹疫苗 (MV)接种和儿童计划免疫 ,装备冷链、规范化接种及免疫接种率的提高 ,麻疹年均发病率由MV使用前的 981.2 2 / 10万 ,分别下降至 484.0 5 / 10万、16 1.5 4/ 10万和 10 .47/ 10万 ,削平了麻疹流行的持续高峰 ,打破了自然流行周期 ,发病年龄较前有所后移 ,发病区域趋于缩小 ,目前蒙城县麻疹发病已处于MV时代的“相对稳定期” ,要达到基本消除麻疹的目标 ,尚需进一步提高和保持高水平的免疫接种率 ,加强疫情报告与监测 ,适时地对高危地区的人群开展强化免疫 。
The survey on measles epidemiology in1951-1999 showed that the mean morbidity of measles before using the vaccine was 981.22/100000, but sharply decreased to 10.47/100000 since the measles vaccination was carried out. Further more, the persistent epidemic peak was cut down, the natural epidemic period was broken, the age of morbidity moved to older children and the epidemic area reduced. For the aim of eliminating measles, a high coverage of vaccination, surveillance of measles cases, supplemental immunization in high risk areas and population, and the laboratory assays were needed.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine