目的 探讨深圳市一般人群中庚型肝炎病毒 (HGV)感染情况及其影响因素。方法 采用随机抽样法选取研究对象 ,并用酶联免疫反应法 (ELISA)检测该人群中抗 -HGV抗体 ,对其中抗体阳性者用逆转录PCR(RT -PCR)检测血清中HGVRNA。结果 一般人群中抗 -HGV阳性率为 9 33% ,HGVRNA阳性率为 2 33% ,男女HGVRNA阳性率分别为 2 4 5 %和 2 2 0 % ,年龄组间HGVRNA阳性率差异无显著性 ;单因素和logistic回归分析未显示肝炎病史、近期手术史、注射史、拔牙史及乙型肝炎疫苗接种史等因素与HGV感染有关 ,HBsAg、抗 -HBs和抗 -HBc与HGV感染无统计学意义。不同职业人员中以中学生及教师的HGVRNA阳性率较高。结论 深圳市一般人群中HGV感染率较高 。
Objective To explore the prevalence of hepatitis G virus(HGV)infection and its risk factors among the general population in Shenzhen.Methods According to the cluster sampling ,1843 subjects were selected randomly and tested for anti-HGV in sera by ELISA,and the samples which the anti-HGV were positive were further tested for HGV RNA using RT-PCR.Results The prevalence rate of anti-HGV was 9.33% in the population.The prevalence rate of HGV RNA was 2.33%(2.45% for male and 2.20% for female,respectively).There was no significant difference between different age groups.The histories of hepatitis,surgical dental operations and injections were not associated with HGV infection.Hepatitis B vaccination and positivity of HBsAg,anti-HBs and anti-HBc were not related to anti-HGV and HGV RNA prevalence rate.However,It was higher in middle school students and teachers than other professional groups.Conclusion The prevalence of HGV RNA seemed to be high among the general population in Shenzhen.The risk factors of HGV infection in the population needed to be further studied.
Chinese Journal of Public Health