目的 探讨白内障连续环形撕囊术 (CCC)后囊袋收缩症的成因、临床特点、对视力的影响和防治方法。方法 对2 3例 2 3眼CCC术后晶状体前囊口纤维增生、收缩情况进行观察 ,对其影响进行了分析。YAG激光晶状体前囊放射状切开术或后囊截开术术前术后进行检验。结果 2 3眼有不同程度的前囊口纤维增生、收缩 ,可伴有后囊浑浊、皱褶。 2 3眼中有 13眼不同程度的视力下降 ,3眼人工晶状体偏位 ,眩光 6例 ,前房加深 3眼。 3眼行YAG激光前囊口放射状切开 ,2眼行手术剥离。YAG激光后囊截开术可提高视力。结论 囊袋收缩综合症是撕囊区面积缩小、残留的晶状体前囊浑浊、后囊皱褶、人工晶状体位置改变为特点 ,导致视力障碍 ,眩光 ,人工晶状体偏位。YAG激光前囊口放射状切开术和后囊截开术可松解囊袋、改善症状。
Objective To study the causes of capsular opening contraction after continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) and intraocular lens implantation,the deterioration of visual acuity and method of treatment.Methods Changes in the anterior capsule opening after CCC were observed in 23 pseudophakic eyes at 1~9 months postoperatively.The effect of YAG laser were evaluated.Results Capsular opening diameter was reduced at an average 1~3 months after CCC,accompanied with opacity of the anterior and posterior capsule.Anterior chamber was depth.Radial anterior capsulotomy and posterior capsulotomy were effective.Conclusion Anterior capsule contraction caused deterioration of visual acuity,glare and IOL decentration.Capsulotomy with YAG laser was effective.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries