分子标记和基因图谱的迅速发展为实现分子标记辅助选择提供了可能 ,而分子标记辅助选择的应用则将为畜禽的遗传改良提供广阔的前景。特别是在数量育种中 ,开发这一技术更为迫切。
Recent development of molecular markers such as PFLP, RAPD, AFLP and SSR and molecular linkage maps have facilitated DNA marker assisted selection (MAS) for both qualitative and quantitative traits. Two mandatory prerequisites for DNA MAS are the available molecular markers and the extreme linkage disequilibrium of both markers and interested traits in the breeding populations. Linkage relationships between molecular markers and special traits can be established by segregation analysis with corresponding mapping designs and statistical methods. The current status and prospect of the appllication of DNA MAS are briefly summarrized in this paper.
Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine