选择 15 0只 1日龄AA商品健康雏鸡 ,随机分为 3组 ,每组 5 0只。研究了免疫器官和血液部分指标发育变化以及日粮添加免疫调节剂C96对其的影响。结果表明 :C96组中枢免疫器官 (法氏囊和胸腺 )的脏器系数在整个实验期均高于或显著高于对照组和疫苗组 ;血液中红细胞总数和血红蛋白含量高于或显著高于对照组和疫苗组。
One hundred andns of one day age were selected and divided into three groups with fifty ones each on random.The purpost of this experiment was to research the change o fifty healthy Arber Acres(AA)chicke f the immune organs and some blood indetep further to research the effect of the feed added the immune growth promoter C96.the developing speeds of central xes in the course of trouth,and go a simmune organ(Fabrilius' bursa and Thymus)was higher than that in control and vacuoles groups the whole experiment.The total quantities of rde blood cell and the ratio of red blood protein was higher too.The results indicated that the effect of immune growth promoter C96 added feed for the chicken's immune organs and some blood index was obvious.
Journal of Anhui Agrotechnical Teachers College