对采样率低于奈奎斯特采样率时信号频谱混叠规律作了研究。基于这一规律 ,提出一种采样率逼近信号带宽的双采样方法 ,并给出了恢复原始信号频谱的算法。该方法不仅发展了采样理论 ,而且对软件无线电的宽带高速采样有借鉴意义。通过对信号的仿真 ,证明了该方法 (算法 )的正确性和可行性。最后就如何实现提出了两种方案 ,具有参考价值。
A sampling method is presented and the sampling rate can approach the bandwidth of the sampled signal. First,the aliasing rule is researched in detail. Based on the research of the aliasing rule, when the sampling rate is far lower than Naquist sampling rate, it gives a algorithm for recovery of the original signal spectrum. The method has application value and development for sampling theory. So it is a good reference for the very high and broad band sampling in the soft ware-radio.Its correctness and feasibility are proved with a simulation of the algorithm.Finally, two schemes are also presented.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing