中学音乐教学要用“艺术融合”、“艺术参与”、“艺术愉悦”的教学原则为指导 ,成为艺术化的教学。中学音乐教师在教学中应成为“优秀的节目主持人”和学生实践活动的“热情欣赏者”。教学中创设轻松愉悦的“音乐学习情境” ,有助于“三个艺术教学原则”
In music teaching in middle school, it is necessary to take the three principles of music teaching (art's mixture, participation and pleasure) as the guide in an effort to do art teaching in an artistic way. A music teacher must work not only as a fine host, but as an impassioned admirer of students' practice. And therefore creation of a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere of music study is helpful to realize the teaching aim guided by the three principles of music teaching.