小学艺术教学近年来发展较快 ,取得了一些成功的经验 ,但在发展的同时也暴露了一些问题和不足。由于美术、音乐长期分科教学 ,产生了宽泛的美术、音乐课程与课时量相对不足、强调选拔功能而忽视培养学生审美素质、强调学科性而忽视学生情感的矛盾等问题。鉴于此 ,本文提出打破学科界线 ,进行艺术教育综合化尝试的对策。要改变教学方式 ,贯彻艺术融合性原则 ;师生之间、学生之间共同参与艺术活动 ,形成对艺术的感悟和共鸣。改变教学内容 ,使之更贴近学生生活和学生情感 ,使艺术教学变得鲜活起来。
Although we have obtained some successful experiences in the fast development of art teaching in primary schools, some problems have occurred. For a long time, the fine arts and music have been taught separately, which has resulted in some problems, such as the contradictions between too general contents and insufficient class hours; preference of a few selected students to most students' aesthetic quality;preference of subjects to the students' emotion. In view of this, this article puts forward some solutions, which are: breaking the bond of subjects; doing experiment on integration of art teaching; making a reform of teaching methods and of teaching contents so as to reflect the students' lives and emotion and to make art teaching vivid and lively.