本文通过对中国共产党人关于资本主义经济认识的历史考察 ,阐述了中国新民主主义时期及建设有中国特色社会主义过程中资本主义经济的意义与作用 ;论证了中国特色社会主义实行以生产资料公有制为主体、多种经济成分并存、允许和鼓励非公有制经济发展的基本经济制度的历史必然性 ;说明了中国共产党人对资本主义经济的基本政策与马克思主义基本原则的一致性与创新性 ;同时从历史与实践的角度概括了邓小平理论关于资本主义经济认识方面对马克思列宁主义。
This article discusses the CPC'S historical understanding of capitalistic economy,the importance of capitalistic economy in the new democratic revolution and in the construction of Chinese socialism,the necessity of Chinese socialism system regarding public ownership as its main part plus a variety of economic elements,allowing and encouraging the development of non-public ownership economy,and the CPC'S creation based on capitalistic economic principles and Maxism principles.It is the CPC that found the consistency of capitalistic economic principles and Maxism principles.It also summarizes the contribution and creation of Deng Xiaoping theory to Maxism,Leninism and Mao Zedong thought.
Journal of Qiongzhou University