我们对学生入学英语成绩进行统计分析发现 ,我校十多年来新生的英语总体成绩经历了上升、下降的过程。近年来随着高校扩大招生 ,下降速度加快 ,离散程度增大。因此 ,大学英语教学改革思路要适时进行调整 ,如分级教学 ,引进计算机多媒体课件 ,使用多种不同起点的教材等等 ,才能更好地提高教学质量。
This article analyses the English scores in the national entrance examination and discusses the improvement of English teaching in this college.The author holds that it is the possible best way for the students of different level to use different textbooks in different classes,and also it is important to apply multimedia computer technology in English teaching practice.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College