我们党历来重视和强调从思想上建党 ,在廉政建设中增强廉洁自律意识是防治腐败的重要环节 ,加强领导干部的自我教育、自我约束 ,是提高廉洁自律意识的基础。领导干部增强廉洁自律意识的主要途径有四 :不断学习马克思主义理论 ,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观 ;增强党性 ,自觉履行党的宗旨 ;学法、知法、守法 ,强化法制观念 ;自省、自重、自警 。
Our Party has always attached great importance to the ideological building of the Party. To consciously intensify self-discipline and clean conduct is a key factor to prevent corruption. Self-education and self-control by the leaders is the foundation of this practice. There are four main approaches to achieve this: to have a correct outlook on the world, life and value through a conscientious study of Marxist theory; to consciously carry out Party's policies and enhance the Party spirit; to learn, understand and abide by the law; to model oneself on the good examples through self-examination, self-discipline and self-criticism.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)