凯文·哈特的创作思想和后结构主义的批评理论是一致的。在他的诗篇中 ,熟知的日常生活体验被优雅的语言、妙曼的意象奇特地表达出来 ,浓郁的哲学思考和理性思辨到处可见 ,他力图表现的是矛盾、悖论 ,他孜孜不倦地寻求的是转折。
Kevin Harte's idea of creation and the post structuralist theory of criticism are consistent with each other. In his poems the familiar everyday life practice is peculiarly expressed by elegant and wonderful language, and strong philosophical thinking and rational discussion are visible everywhere. What he tries hard to express is contradiction, paradox, and what he pursues indefatigably is transition and unexpected change.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)