River valley management means that soil and water give the highestecologic, economic and social benefits. With river valley as a unit of management,on basis of an overall program, land is reasonably alloted for agriculture, forest, animal husbandry and sideline production. With comprehensive management prac-tices adopted according to local suitable conditions, priority is set on protection,improvement and rational utilization of soil and water resources. In the continent ofAmerica, river valley management was adopted first by USA. American scholarssuggested that only the adoption of comprehensive measures can have the hydrologyand water in the river valley improved. Scientists in USSR emphatically point outthat systematic ecology is the theoretic basis for river valley management in themountaineous areas, and that forest management measures are the foundamentalmeasures in river valley management, which must be integrated with engineeringmeasures. In this paper a description of the work in river valley management inEurope, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and some developing countries isgiven. Much work in the river valley management is done by the forest departmentsin China in connection with the establishment of protective forest systems in themountaineous areas and hilly rolling zone. Significant results have been obtained inthis field of work. The role of forest departments in the river valley management canbe fully exemplified by the suggestion of the ecologic economic valleys. The crux inriver valley management in China is monitoring, investigation and evaluation of theecologic economic system in the valleys, and the regulation of the management byagricultural, forest and water conservance measures integrated together, with for-estry as a dominant factor.
World Forestry Research