凯末尔世俗化思想的形 成一方面是由于他继承了早期的世俗主义,另一方面是由于民族解放战争的推动。凯末尔改 革使土耳其走上了现代化之路,但改革只局限在大城市和精英阶层,这种局限性为日后土耳 其的伊斯兰复兴埋下了伏笔。
There are two causes for the formation of Kemal's secularised thoughts:on the one hand,he has inherited the early secularism,a nd on the other hand,he had been advanced by the national liberation war.Kemal' s reform leads Turkey on to the road to modernization,but the reform is only con fined to some big cities and a cream stratum,and this limitation carries a fores hadowing of Islamic rejuvenation in Turkey in the days to come.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)