基础教育发展、师范教育结构调整、中小学教师学历提升以及教师编制标准等 ,是影响和决定教师需求数量及其招生培养的主要因素。研究表明 :我省今后小学教育规模呈下降趋势 ,初中教育高峰期即将来临 ,高中阶段教育规模逐年扩大 ,预计高峰期在 2 0 0 7年前后。本研究建议 :全省师范专科层次招生今后 15年可按年均 3 0 0 0人的规模加以安排 ;师范本科招生“十五”计划期间可按年均 60 0 0人的规模来安排 ,其后 10年可按年均 40 0 0人的规模加以控制。中师的教育资源要优化配置 ,师专的办学模式要改革 ,本科师范院校要扩展办学规模与业务以适应社会发展的需要。
The development of basic education,the adjustment of constructure in teacher education,the pupil-teacher ratio and the raisement of the teachers' academic levels;they are main factors affecting the need-number of schoolteacher and their education By explorating , we found that : the scale of primary education will descend in later 10 years ; the highest scale of the junior middle education will come in 3 years; the highest of senior middle education stages will come in 7 years. We suggested that :the number of admission for teacher college can be controlled at 3000 students every year by average in the near 15 years in our Province;the number of admission for teacher university can be controlled at 6000 students every year by average in the nearest 5 years; but in the next ten years,it can be only controlled at 4000 students every year by average. Of course ,the education resources of the normal school should be rational disposed; the model of teacher college should be reformed; the teacher university will continue to expand their work circle to adapt the development of the social.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition