一般认为 ,1918年夏李叔同在杭州虎跑寺出家为僧 ,友朋中夏尊与马一浮助力最大。 1998年发现的“弘一大师致叶为铭书信九通” ,证明在李叔同出家这个问题上 ,西泠印社的创始人之一叶为铭起了很重要的作用。叶为铭在李叔同莅杭任教后 ,即与其意气相投 ,在李叔同出家前后给予多方面的帮助 ,并对李叔同的出家事佛持完全肯定态度。
It's agreed that Li Shu\|tong's best friends are Xia Mian\|zun and Ma Yi\|fu, when Li became a monk at Hu Pao temple of Hangzhou in 1918. 'The Nine Letters from Master Hong Yi to Ye Wei\|min', as discovered in 1998, best certifies that the founder of the Xi\|ling Engraving Society\|Ye Wei\|min played a critical role in Li Shu\|tong's becoming a monk. As soon as he began to teach in Hangzhou, Ye hit it off with Li, gave Li much help in becoming a monk and thought positively about it. Hong Yi had been indebted to Ye for the help luck ever since.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)