数学方法的运用是现代经济学的主要特征之一 ,经济学术界甚至出现了这样一种倾向 :以数学方法的运用程度作为经济学研究水平的评判标准。该文认为 ,数学方法在众多的经济学研究方法中占据主要地位 ,数学使经济学走向成熟和科学。然而 ,并非所有的经济问题都能用数学方法可解释和解决 ,数学方法更不是经济研究的装饰品。“滥用数学”与“排斥数学”
The application of mathematical methods is one of the main features of modern economics. In the economic academia there is even a trend that the level of economic research depends on its application degree. This article insists that mathematical methods is in a principal position among all the economic research method and can make economics become mature and scientific. But it can't explain all economic questions, and is far from being a decoration of economic research. Either abusing math or rejecting math is an extreme trend.
Journal of Jiaxing University