中国环境法制建设面临的困境是经济发展与环境保护的矛盾异常尖锐 ,回旋余地很小 ;人们对环境质量要求低 ,经济发展的需求高 ;地方政府保护环境的积极性低 ;环境法律制度、环境行政管理体制不适应环境保护的需要。为了走出困境 ,应探索实现可持续发展机制 ,按照环境的功能特点 ,重新划分环境行政区域。由中央对全国环境实行统一管理 ,垂直领导 ;环境法应该做到是良法不是恶法 。
The diffcult position which the legal system construction of China's environment is facing reflects the serious contradiction between economic development and environmental protection;People have low demand for environment quality but high demand for economic development;local governments have no high initiative in environmental protection;Besides,Law system of environment and administrative system of environment doesn't meet the need of environment protection.In order to go out of difficult position and explore sustained developing system and according to functioning feature of environment,administrative districts of environment should be divided again and the central government implements unified management for national environment and takes direct leading:Environmental law should be good Law not bad law and should be the law which can be carried out but not be the law of ideal state.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi