青少年犯罪已成为一个严重的社会问题 ,它突出表现为四个方面的特点 :低龄化趋势 ,文化素质差 ,财产型犯罪 ,团伙性犯罪。导致青少年犯罪的原因有家庭教育的偏激 ,学校教育的偏颇 ,社会环境的污染及青少年的自身素质不足。有效地防止青少年犯罪要从家庭。
Nowadays juvenile delinquency has become a very serions social problem,it has four distinct manifestations,the reasons for juvenile delinquency are the lack of family education,shortcomings in school education,the social environment and the young person's own character.Eeffective and relevant measures should be taken to prevent juvenile delinquency both from family and social aspects.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi